Pai Mu Tan, also known as White Peony, is a mildly delicate, herby, and sweet as ripe fruit. White Peony are made from leaves and buds that are picked just before they fully open. Once collected, the unopened tea leaves are withered naturally and then dried out in the sun, providing a unique texture. This is considered as “the real Chinese Tea”, which grows in the Fujian mountains.
Pai Mu Tan has a sweet, fruity taste.
What Pai Mu Tan can do
Promotes good oral health. Polyphenols, flavonoids, and tannins are thought to help in inhibiting the growth of various bacteria that may cause plaque formation.
Health benefits
- Rich in antioxidants
- Aids in weight loss and fights diabetes
- Anti-cancer effects
- Skincare: suppress several cellular components that may damage the fiber network that helps the skin stay tight and firm
Grown in Asia on our organic plantations & hand-packed in the USA.