Gingkgo Biloba is recognized as an essential for Chinese Medicine cabinets. This powerful organic herb is used as a tonic that is believed to replenish energy. It is known as a Chinese Aphrodisiac.
Gingkgo Biloba provides a natural earthy flavor.
Ginkgo Biloba
Used as a dietary supplement to improve general well-being, physical stamina (perfect for athletes), and concentration; stimulate immune function; slow the aging process; and relieve various health problems such as respiratory disorders, cardiovascular disorders, depression, anxiety, erectile dysfunction, and menopausal hot flashes.
Health benefits
- Improves Cognitive Ability - stimulates cognitive abilities and neural activity that can be difficult to achieve in older ages. Also, the antioxidants prevent the accumulation of plaque and free radicals in the brain, effectively preventing the onset of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other cognitive disorders.
- Increased Energy - has been shown to help fight fatigue and promote energy. Some components in ginseng, like polysaccharides and oligopeptides, with lower oxidative stress and higher energy production in cells, could help fight fatigue.
- Helps Treat Erectile Dysfunction - may improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction by decreasing oxidative stress in tissues and enhancing blood flow in penile muscles. Furthermore, the herb also enhances testosterone hormone secretion in men. You can also check out Zen's Organic Libido Blend
Grown in Asia on organic plantations & hand-packed in the USA.