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Training Tea Herbalists

Zen’s mission is to educate and empower the next generation of Tea Herbalist and it’s entirely free online. Click the button below to begin.

Hundreds of videos are FREE on YouTube, organized into multiple Playlists for your convenience.

If you are beginning your journey into Herbalism please start with Pros & Cons 4 Herbal Remedies.

Maybe you are looking to join a group of friendly health conscious people gather to discuss Natural Health and Wellness. Visit any of our Zen’s Tea House location for a FREE networking event.

Join Virtually Online.

Throughout the year Zen’s offers classes (RSVP Below). They are open to anyone interested in health and wellness. Can’t attend, you can take Zen’s Virtual Herbalism Class.

All the profits generated from Zen’s Virtual Herbalism Class is invested into making more content, most of it is FREE. 

One of our most expensive ventures is our Natural Remedy Website called Zen’s Medicine ( a free search engine that offers holistic healthcare answers to questions.

Below is a list of our Vision, Values & Mission Statement.

Vision: To educate and empower the next generation of tea entrepreneurs.

Values: We value People, Business & Health.

Mission: Helping people through the power of Tea. – “Empowering Entrepreneurs to reach & teach their community in the power of tea.”

Join Zen’s Tea House

Would you like to show up or discuss a specific health topic please RSVP by filing out the submission form below.