Welcome to Zen's Health & Wellness Group.

Last Friday from 6-7pm a group of friendly health conscious people gather to discuss Natural Health and Wellness at Zen's Tea House: 6550 Greenleaf Ave, Whittier CA 90601. We begin with a short 15 minute class on Natural Health & Wellness Tips.

Lives Streamed via Instagram & YouTube.

After the 15 minute class, attendees are encourages to exchange ideas on how to improve community health, natural remedies, and sharing of upcoming Public Health events. These are amongst a few things that take place every month.

Free and Open to all.

This is a Free event and open to anyone interested in health and wellness. To the extroverts who want to lead discussion or present on a health topic, we ask you please email support@zenstea.com with the subject line Monthly Health Class.
Stay up to date by Joining Our Community in the submission form below.